Meal Ministry
Hudson United Methodist Church is committed to ease food insecurities throughout the community. Would you care to help with one or more of the following:
Holiday Meals: We provide meals for those who are facing food insecurities during the holidays of Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter. When the holiday's are approaching think of us and contact us. Perhaps we can be of an assistance to you.
H.O.M.E. Meal: Hudson Outreach Meal for Everyone You are invited to attend these free community dinners, in the Fellowship Hall, at Bethel Lutheran Church, on the first and third Thursdays of the month fom 5-6:30 PM in the Fellowship Hall of Bethel Lutheran Church of Hudson, WI. These Thursday community meals serve nutritious meals, at no cost, to anyone in the Hudson area who chooses to attend, not just those in need. Participating churches in the Hudson area take turns hosting these meals.
Hudson Food Shelf:The Hudson Christian Food Pantry is located at St. Patrick's Catholic Church, 1500 Vine Street, Hudson, WI 54016 (715.338.0332)
Wednesday Morning Free Bread & Produce: You are invited to stop by Wednedays at 9 AM to pick-up free bread, baked goods and produce donated by our local grocery stores: Family Fresh, County Market,Fresh & Natural.
Wednesday Night Dinner: Come by the church at 5:30 PM for a home-cooked meal, including dessert and beverage. Dinner is served September through May. The suggested donation is $5 per adult. There is a family cap of $15.